1.   It would add a separate ice detector.

2.   The board also called for research and development in ice detectors and de-icing systems for airplanes, and improvements in pipeline safety.

3.   The rubber boots cleaned the wing completely of ice, the company said, and there was no need to install a separate ice detector to warn pilots.

4.   Already some state transportation departments have ice detectors installed in their bridges to alert crews if they freeze over.

5.   Some states have installed ice detectors in bridges to alert crews if the spans freeze.

n. + detector >>共 125
motion 13.10%
radar 10.70%
radiation 6.15%
airport 4.81%
bomb 4.01%
fire 2.94%
trace 2.94%
neutrino 2.67%
particle 2.14%
gas 1.60%
ice 1.34%
ice + n. >>共 435
time 8.20%
cube 6.83%
rink 5.42%
sheet 4.39%
dance 3.59%
dam 3.43%
crystal 3.32%
surface 2.90%
dancer 2.56%
shelf 2.44%
detector 0.19%
每页显示:    共 5