1.   Another makes tubes for transporting oil and transmitting hydraulic fluids.

2.   Boeing disagrees, saying that its tests have shown no jamming problems as a result of dirty hydraulic fluid.

3.   A quick assessment, however, revealed no evidence that feared air bubbles had formed in the hydraulic fluid of the nose wheel landing gear system.

4.   Carbon monoxide can be produced when heated oils and hydraulic fluids enter the cabin air supply, she said.

5.   During one preview, the shape-changing set piece stalled and spewed hydraulic fluid onto the stage.

6.   For instance, Hall cited studies which showed it was unlikely that contaminated hydraulic fluid could have caused the rudder to jam.

7.   Fumes from hydraulic fluid stung our eyes, and the noise threatened to blow out human eardrums.

8.   Hydraulic fluid, which is a synthetic compound, can be harmful if absorbed through skin or swallowed.

9.   If the two cylinders do not fit together precisely, hydraulic fluid can leak within the mechanism.

10.   In a laboratory, technicians were able to introduce contaminants into the hydraulic fluid to make an identical unit jam, a promising sign.

a. + fluid >>共 240
bodily 16.19%
intravenous 13.09%
lighter 6.66%
hydraulic 4.59%
amniotic 4.36%
spinal 4.13%
excess 2.87%
cleaning 2.30%
embalming 1.15%
hot 1.03%
hydraulic + n. >>共 110
system 16.16%
fluid 8.18%
lift 6.13%
pump 5.11%
jack 4.91%
cement 4.29%
line 3.89%
pressure 3.48%
power 2.86%
problem 2.66%
每页显示:    共 40