1.   Before taking on the humanities endowment, Hackney was a scholar and president of the University of Pennsylvania and Tulane University.

2.   Granger, who upset local arts activists last week with a procedural vote that was in effect a vote against the NEA, voted for the humanities endowment.

3.   The humanities endowment is the principal federal agency engaged in intellectual scholarship, providing grants in history, philosophy and related disciplines.

4.   Yates noted that both Bennett and Mrs. Cheney had testified in support of the humanities endowment when they headed the agency under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush.

n. + endowment >>共 14
art 36.76%
college 19.12%
factor 11.76%
university 11.76%
humanities 5.88%
library 2.94%
boost 1.47%
charity 1.47%
foundation 1.47%
land 1.47%
humanities + n. >>共 35
department 8.45%
professor 8.45%
scholar 8.45%
endowment 5.63%
council 5.63%
student 5.63%
subject 4.23%
course 4.23%
medal 4.23%
chairman 2.82%
每页显示:    共 4