1.   While the insects thrive, residues from years of spraying are showing up in the water and food that humans consume.

2.   Half of every butchered cow and a third of every pig is not consumed by humans.

3.   Humans commonly consume creatine by eating meat or fish.

4.   On the most basic level, scientists know that obesity results when a human consumes more energy in the form of food than the energy that is expended.

5.   Omega Tech has licensed its patent to the Monsanto Co. to develop products that could be directly consumed by humans.

6.   Moss feels that ultimately, recycled water can be consumed by humans.

7.   The United States bans its use in animals consumed by humans.

n. + consume >>共 364
fire 6.28%
people 4.77%
flame 4.37%
time 2.46%
child 1.91%
industry 1.91%
person 1.36%
woman 1.09%
country 0.95%
human 0.95%
human + v. >>共 425
be 18.87%
have 6.62%
do 3.84%
evolve 1.92%
contract 1.85%
right 1.66%
get 1.52%
come 1.46%
take 1.19%
make 1.19%
consume 0.46%
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