1.   Its pinkish flower, with its pouting, spoon-shaped lower petal and the offer of sweet nectar, lures an unsuspecting hover fly.

2.   Other beneficials are assassin bugs, damsel bugs, ground beetles, hover flies and Trichogramma wasps.

3.   The hover fly resembles a bee -- it has either black-and-yellow or black-and-white stripes on its abdomen.

4.   However, hover flies and bees showed slight increases.

n. + fly >>共 172
phorid 5.15%
plane 4.04%
cluster 2.57%
house 2.57%
sac 2.57%
crow 2.21%
time 2.21%
flag 1.84%
hover 1.47%
bird 1.47%
hover + n. >>共 4
fly 57.14%
condition 14.29%
craft 14.29%
manoevre 14.29%
每页显示:    共 4