1.   She was also deeply concerned for the spiritual needs of her relatives and household servants.

2.   The corpse of the household servant still swung from the branch of an elm tree.

3.   However, most butlers these days are employed by the newly prosperous who have had little or no previous experience with household servants of any kind.

4.   Mystics and crooks, bureaucrats and aristocrats, household servants and even a brittle dowager.

5.   Private nurses have been available for hire in hospitals for decades, markers of affluence much as household servants might be.

6.   They are put to work as household servants or at hard labor in the fields.

7.   Many residents scrape by doing odd jobs, hawking goods on the street or working as household servants.

8.   Missouri is one of a handful of states that draw chefs, butlers and other household servants from trusties in a work-release program.

9.   The children are later forced to work as household servants or as street vendors without receiving wages.

a. + servant >>共 140
domestic 16.01%
indentured 10.96%
loyal 4.21%
humble 4.21%
royal 3.93%
household 3.09%
black 3.09%
male 2.25%
personal 1.40%
faithful 1.40%
household + n. >>共 450
appliance 9.19%
goods 8.78%
income 5.85%
product 5.68%
item 5.60%
chore 4.39%
debt 2.59%
pet 1.92%
help 1.30%
budget 1.25%
servant 0.46%
每页显示:    共 11