1.   Ed was playing his music so loud that the whole house shook.

2.   Every time a train passed it made the whole house shake.

3.   The house shook as the train rumbled by.

4.   A moment later, the house shook violently.

5.   A neighbor, Tonya Ware, said she was in her home when she heard a helicopter and felt her house shake.

6.   But that did not stop residents of Ringwood and Wanaque from inundating the Ringwood Police Department with calls reporting noises thumping and houses shaking, Sgt. Richard Manchur said.

7.   During fierce Santa Ana windstorms, houses shake, big tractor-trailer rigs flip and the eyes, sinuses and skin of Los Angeles residents can take a beating.

8.   He was working peacefully at the kitchen table when suddenly the windows rattled and the house shook.

9.   Her suburban house shook from the blast.

10.   Houses shook from the impact of tank shells.

n. + shake >>共 701
earthquake 17.94%
hand 4.36%
explosion 3.86%
quake 2.49%
man 2.45%
blast 1.87%
building 1.84%
ground 1.84%
tremor 1.45%
leader 1.38%
house 1.22%
house + v. >>共 740
be 34.17%
have 9.20%
collapse 2.06%
say 1.69%
stand 1.52%
look 1.45%
go 1.36%
burn 1.26%
pass 1.24%
seem 1.14%
shake 0.55%
每页显示:    共 32