1.   The house was overflowing with a profusion of strange ornaments.

2.   Across the street, a tiny stucco house overflows with Mexican imports and garden decor.

3.   The houses are overflowing with Third World immigrants.

4.   Exchange houses overflowed with anxious Argentines seeking dollars.

n. + overflow >>共 202
river 17.49%
toilet 2.22%
hospital 2.22%
water 2.22%
jail 1.97%
system 1.72%
sewer 1.48%
crowd 1.23%
box 1.23%
tributary 1.23%
house 0.99%
house + v. >>共 740
be 34.17%
have 9.20%
collapse 2.06%
say 1.69%
stand 1.52%
look 1.45%
go 1.36%
burn 1.26%
pass 1.24%
seem 1.14%
overflow 0.07%
每页显示:    共 4