1.   He could survive here, if he wished, for about an hour even without the spacesuit.

2.   They argued the point for hours without reaching a conclusion.

3.   This type of calculation would take several hours without a computer.

4.   The downpour continued for hours without letup.

5.   He talked for over an hour without pausing.

6.   At first glance, the idea of an hour without TV seems radical.

7.   I often fish for hours without catching anything.

8.   But this does not worry me.

9.   Our technique permits continuous recording from the upper oesophageal sphincter for periods of several hours without resort to sedation.

10.   To reduce working hours without loss of income.

n. + without >>共 1605
life 1.69%
game 1.51%
year 1.28%
people 1.19%
day 1.07%
prison 1.07%
country 0.95%
month 0.82%
season 0.81%
time 0.75%
hour 0.30%
hour + p. >>共 68
of 38.94%
in 8.78%
after 8.11%
before 7.38%
on 6.07%
at 4.70%
for 4.03%
with 3.72%
to 2.32%
a 1.89%
without 1.02%
每页显示:    共 109