1.   She did not leave the hospital without the cello she played in a London symphony orchestra.

2.   She was labeled mentally disturbed and put in the psychiatric ward of a small hospital without any administrative procedure.

3.   This test could be of clinical value in deciding which patients require urgent referral for further management and treatment in hospitals without specialist nephrological care.

4.   After the meeting, Gonzalez and INS officials left the hospital without issuing a statement.

5.   But a hospital without established policies and protocols would make a good Hollywood movie and little else.

6.   But he was accused of leaving the hospital without authorization after he went back to his barracks.

7.   But he was released by the state hospital without being given an intravenous shot of anti-psychotic medication.

8.   Coppola complained of chest pains as he was about to be questioned by police, and was released from the hospital without follow-up by either the police or prosecutors.

9.   For days, doctors had worked in the hospital without help and for many patients the damage was beyond repair.

10.   Hospitals without formal structures for recruiting foreign patients also realize their importance.

n. + without >>共 1605
life 1.69%
game 1.51%
year 1.28%
people 1.19%
day 1.07%
prison 1.07%
country 0.95%
month 0.82%
season 0.81%
time 0.75%
hospital 0.17%
hospital + p. >>共 65
in 36.54%
for 19.68%
with 10.39%
after 7.00%
on 4.61%
by 2.28%
at 1.87%
from 1.81%
to 1.41%
nearby 1.34%
without 0.59%
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