1.   Hospitals needed some one to give tender loving care to chil-dren, social agencies had various similar needs, and so on.

2.   The hospital obviously needs to balance the budget each year.

3.   Hospitals need to be clean to encourage people to recover.

4.   A study out Monday suggests more hospitals need to be equipped with the easy to use automatic defibrillators.

5.   Already there are shortages of food for those who depend on international aid, and hospitals need medicines.

6.   But he added that he would feel comfortable generally telling the public where his hospital still needs to improve and how it is going to do that.

7.   But hospitals need more, said Rick Pollack, executive vice president of the American Hospital Association.

8.   But the hospital still needs sutures, anesthetics, and drugs such as the cancer-fighting Tamoxifin.

9.   Critics say he undermines the money-making services that hospitals need to support costly research and less remunerative departments, like emergency medicine.

10.   Disaster planners say hospitals need to identify rosters of part-timers and retirees who can be trained in advance and summoned in an emergency.

n. + need >>共 1173
company 3.39%
team 2.69%
people 2.61%
country 2.52%
government 2.44%
child 1.51%
investor 1.17%
system 0.93%
patient 0.91%
woman 0.86%
hospital 0.14%
hospital + v. >>共 639
be 13.94%
say 7.83%
have 7.04%
report 2.07%
receive 1.44%
use 1.42%
treat 1.37%
provide 1.30%
refuse 1.18%
take 1.15%
need 0.77%
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