1.   Although health plans typically cover hospice services provided by hospices, hospitals have a harder time being paid for them.

2.   Dying veterans who prefer to return home can receive community hospice services, coordinated by the Dayton VA program.

3.   Hospice services include patient and family counseling, specialized nursing and home health care and drugs and supplies for pain relief.

4.   Hospice services include counseling, nursing care, medical supplies and drugs for pain relief, rather than curative care.

5.   Hospice services include patient and family counseling, specialized nursing care and drugs and supplies for pain relief.

6.   Most do not have six months or less to live, the primary requirement, and some have received hospice services for months.

7.   Patients must have a life expectancy of six months or less to qualify for hospice services.

8.   Pauline Moskal was not sure her mother qualified for the care promised by the hospice service.

9.   U.S. auditors are reviewing whether Vitas Healthcare Corp. overbilled Medicare for its hospice services, the company said.

10.   Unfortunately, Medicare will not pay for hospice services unless doctors affirm that death is imminent, no more than six months away.

n. + service >>共 647
memorial 5.57%
security 4.88%
telephone 3.91%
phone 3.60%
customer 3.45%
intelligence 3.13%
health 2.63%
press 2.44%
community 2.41%
news 2.38%
hospice 0.04%
hospice + n. >>共 50
care 33.64%
nurse 7.01%
program 7.01%
worker 6.54%
movement 5.14%
service 5.14%
patient 3.74%
organization 2.34%
volunteer 1.87%
center 1.40%
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