1.   If they are elevated, you should consider alternative measures, such as hormone replacement, to prevent osteoporosis.

2.   Thus, it may be possible to design hormone replacement that retains the ability to control menopausal symptoms while protecting against breast cancer.

3.   Although hormone replacement and weight-bearing exercise can slow postmenopausal bone loss, they cannot do much for bones when calcium is in short supply.

4.   An earlier study, in fact, suggested there was a link between TMDs and women taking hormone replacements or birth control pills.

5.   Because an orchiectomy often results in a drop in serum testosterone, he was warned that he might need hormone replacement.

6.   Because supplemental estrogen carries both benefits and risks, it is still an individual decision whether to take hormone replacements after menopause.

7.   A healthier way of life might have the same beneficial effect as hormone replacement, and the two together may be even better.

8.   But for men it will probably be years before doctors know whether they, too, can profit from hormone replacement and at what price.

9.   Civitelli said that while either approach should protect women from bone loss, hormone replacement might be more likely to help women restore bone density already lost.

10.   Even if you are still menstruating regularly, hormone replacement can help to reduce perimenopausal symptoms.

n. + replacement >>共 160
last-minute 11.06%
hormone 10.62%
knee 6.42%
estrogen 5.31%
valve 3.54%
striker 2.43%
injury 2.21%
heart 2.21%
meal 1.77%
battery 1.55%
hormone + n. >>共 138
therapy 13.48%
treatment 9.09%
estrogen 8.48%
level 8.33%
replacement 7.27%
testosterone 4.70%
supplement 4.39%
progesterone 2.73%
use 1.82%
insulin 1.36%
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