1.   Filled with small seeds, the hollow tube becomes a rattle.

2.   In fact its feathered section is a hollow tube.

3.   Rear Suspension - Two transverse torsion bars are located within a hollow tube and operated by trailing arms.

4.   The tip of this hollow tube is guided up into the internal carotid.

5.   Rear Suspension -- Two transverse torsion bars are located within a hollow tube and operated by trailing arms.

6.   Asbestos fibers are made of hollow tubes built up from magnesium and silicon oxides.

7.   But the identification makes sense, he said, because in the developing embryo the brain cells grow out from stem cells that line a hollow tube.

8.   Catheters are hollow tubes inserted into the body, used to administer food or drugs to a patient.

9.   Little holes in the sides of their bodies, called spiracles, and hollow tubes called trachea do the breathing for them.

10.   Modern fireworks are made by packing gunpowder into hollow tubes and adding small amounts of chemicals, which create different colors and effects.

a. + tube >>共 340
feeding 9.22%
plastic 7.06%
breathing 6.98%
feed 4.05%
intravenous 3.96%
fluorescent 3.01%
metal 2.84%
thin 2.50%
tiny 2.24%
small 2.15%
hollow 1.46%
hollow + n. >>共 240
victory 5.39%
ring 4.31%
sound 3.59%
point 3.41%
tube 3.05%
tree 2.69%
cheek 2.51%
eye 2.15%
feeling 1.97%
shell 1.62%
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