1.   And they will be held accountable for doing so.

2.   Businesses are held accountable in a substantive way for what they do with resources.

3.   But I know that you fellows hold me accountable for what I write and what I say.

4.   First, demand real reform from your legislators, and promise that you will hold them accountable.

5.   He has to be held accountable, just like everyone else.

6.   He may have had a terrible childhood, but he should still be held accountable for his own actions.

7.   His remedy, modest given his rhetoric, is that professors should be held more accountable for what they do.

8.   If his composure is not guarded, is it fair to him to hold him accountable for hat he said?

9.   Lawyers must be prepared to undergo scrutiny and be held accountable for whatever they do.

10.   Managers were held accountable for a broader array of financial, strategic, and human resource outcomes.

v. + accountable >>共 6
hold 93.12%
make 5.92%
keep 0.48%
find 0.24%
consider 0.12%
leave 0.12%
hold + a. >>共 241
responsible 23.11%
accountable 19.87%
steady 10.10%
captive 7.14%
liable 6.16%
high 2.76%
early 2.58%
open 2.37%
true 2.22%
scoreless 1.86%
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