1.   A large comet hitting the earth would be a catastrophe.

2.   A large commet hitting the earth would mean catastrophe.

3.   A few yards away is the cairn she built years ago on the spot where Alexander hit the earth with so much impact his body left an indentation.

4.   He got as much air as ball and had it poking out of the tip of his glove as he hit earth.

5.   Hitting the earth with enough impact to die instantly.

6.   Not one of them is predicting that a comet will hit the earth or claiming that he has been abducted by aliens.

7.   Other meteorites that have hit the earth even more recently have also contained similar chemicals.

8.   This weekend you can buy your own meteorite, that is, a fragment from outer space that has already hit the earth.

9.   Under the circumstances, there was a risk that the asteroid might hit the earth, causing immense devastation, he said.

10.   But large meteors can create concussive sound waves, or even hit the earth.

v. + earth >>共 221
orbit 4.05%
inherit 3.44%
hit 2.63%
walk 2.43%
roam 2.43%
circle 2.43%
reach 2.23%
rule 2.23%
protect 2.02%
loosen 2.02%
hit + n. >>共 887
ball 5.35%
two 2.61%
homer 2.42%
target 2.11%
ground 1.75%
three 1.72%
market 1.53%
wall 1.52%
road 1.50%
shot 1.40%
earth 0.05%
每页显示:    共 13