1.   At first, the state expected its hired experts to identify ineligible voters using only exact matches on felons with the same names, birthdates and genders.

2.   Hired legal experts backed up plans to ram Sonny through, putting the veneer of legitimacy on the power grab.

3.   Like any hired expert in a legal case, Bork also has an obvious conflict of interest.

4.   A bevy of hired experts also come along to help identify protected wildlife.

5.   Condit already has submitted to a lie detector test administered by a privately hired expert, and his attorneys said the machine found no indication he had lied.

a. + expert >>共 895
legal 17.22%
medical 6.76%
military 5.17%
forensic 5.12%
political 2.69%
independent 2.58%
financial 2.39%
western 2.29%
international 2.01%
outside 1.87%
hired 0.05%
hired + n. >>共 177
killer 6.50%
help 5.96%
assassin 4.07%
gunman 4.07%
car 4.07%
consultant 3.25%
employee 2.98%
worker 2.44%
driver 2.17%
teacher 1.90%
expert 1.36%
每页显示:    共 5