1.   Crucially, this instability hinders regional development, incites repressive governance, and compounds the poverty on which militancy feeds.

2.   Does it help or hinder development of those countries?

3.   Although this has helped Hispanics to become political players, it also has hindered the development of a national Hispanic political movement.

4.   A wedge of chilly air dammed against the eastern spine of the Appalachians will hinder the development of storms over North Carolina.

5.   But its development has been hindered by political patronage that has not been effectively checked by law or regulatory oversight.

6.   City council members deny they hindered the development of superstores.

7.   El Nino hinders development of Atlantic storms.

8.   For example, lung development may be hindered by nutritional deprivation early in gestation.

9.   His girth was believed to be a big reason for injuries that hindered his development and led to his release by the Minnesota Vikings.

10.   Smith says the government has set a bad example by isolating Cuba, hindering its development.

v. + development >>共 677
promote 3.50%
encourage 3.44%
discuss 3.24%
monitor 3.16%
watch 2.97%
include 1.94%
spur 1.90%
follow 1.90%
support 1.72%
await 1.52%
hinder 1.05%
hinder + n. >>共 385
effort 10.49%
ability 4.26%
development 3.95%
progress 3.80%
growth 3.65%
investigation 3.42%
work 2.28%
competition 2.05%
prosecution 1.67%
recovery 1.52%
每页显示:    共 52