1.   His grave, on a former Soviet hilltop tank base in the Panjshir Valley, has become an instant shrine.

2.   The Israeli army contends that they were on their way to post themselves in the rutted building and fire on a small Israeli army base a hilltop away.

3.   He sought a less hostile environment across the border, setting up a hilltop base in northern Thailand protected by his sizable Shan United Army.

4.   Israeli troops at a hilltop base killed Darwazeh on Wednesday with several ground-to-ground missiles that slammed into his red Volkswagen as he drove through Nablus.

5.   Lebanese security officials said Israeli warplanes fired three missiles at a hilltop base of the hardline Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command.

6.   Second later, the hilltop base exploded in a fireball.

7.   Thailand recaptured a hilltop base near its northern border Monday after a prolonged artillery assault drove out Myanmar troops, Thai soldiers said.

8.   The jets returned to attack the hilltop base, made up of underground tunnels and concrete fortifications overlooking the coastal highway linking Beirut with south Lebanon.

9.   The jets returned later to blast hilltop bases with rockets, witnesses said.

10.   Within hours, villagers were stripping their hilltop base of wooden planks.

n. + base >>共 609
army 9.83%
datum 7.76%
power 6.82%
customer 6.64%
fan 5.43%
guerrilla 5.19%
rebel 4.84%
tax 3.74%
support 2.09%
capital 1.77%
hilltop 0.19%
hilltop + n. >>共 107
position 7.23%
neighborhood 5.35%
compound 4.40%
home 4.40%
outpost 4.09%
site 3.77%
post 3.46%
hotel 3.46%
town 3.46%
base 3.14%
每页显示:    共 10