1.   As it was gaining altitude, the first of two hijacked jetliners crashed into the World Trade Center in New York.

2.   After the first hijacked jetliner hit the north tower, he was making the calls again, assuring them he was in no danger.

3.   He said it did not surprise him that the towers had withstood the force of the hijacked jetliners that slammed them.

4.   His eyes remain glued to the television screen when a second hijacked jetliner hits the twin towers.

5.   In a bingo hall, many watched news accounts of the hijacked jetliners crashing into the World Trade Center for the first time.

6.   Instead, the blame falls on lax security regulations and a national complacency about the danger that could come from hijacked commercial jetliners.

7.   Just short of six decades later, Arab terrorists in hijacked jetliners killed hundreds more than that in a stunning aerial attack on the Pentagon and World Trade Center.

8.   More poignantly, passengers aboard the hijacked jetliners used their last moments in flight to call loved ones to say goodbye.

9.   No one saw the other hijacked jetliner hit the south tower because by then, they were on their way through the Queens-Midtown Tunnel.

10.   Schmidt had been vacationing in Wisconsin when the hijacked jetliners knocked the World Trade Center down.

a. + jetliner >>共 111
commercial 18.58%
hijacked 10.69%
new 4.33%
french 3.56%
first 3.56%
regional 3.05%
second 2.80%
large 2.80%
jumbo 2.54%
fourth 1.78%
hijacked + n. >>共 39
plane 37.70%
airliner 17.86%
jetliner 8.33%
jet 5.56%
airplane 5.16%
bus 3.57%
aircraft 3.37%
flight 3.37%
passenger 2.18%
vehicle 1.98%
每页显示:    共 42