1.   Anonymity, like the uniforms of nurses, the police or soldiers, highlights the role, not the person performing it.

2.   It also highlights the role played by both the chemical and chemical engineering disciplines in the development of cleaner processes.

3.   Next the main activities of the central bank and the commercial banks were described, highlighting their roles in influencing the money supply.

4.   Another exhibit highlights the role turtles have played in art, religion and even humor.

5.   A film series last summer featured Hong Kong action films, while one in November is to highlight the role of Switzerland during World War II.

6.   Clinton, eager to live down his youthful draft-dodging reputation, has catered to military needs and highlights his role of commander-in-chief whenever possible.

7.   In addition to Victory Plaza, there will be an education center that highlights the role D-Day played in history.

8.   Miller highlighted her role as an outsider, promising to focus on basic city services and to improve the police department.

9.   She is the author of three books, all of which highlight her role as helpmate to Carnahan.

10.   The Clinton administration also wants to highlight its role in the war on drugs.

v. + role >>共 429
play 33.73%
have 8.33%
deny 2.66%
take 2.31%
fill 2.27%
assume 2.26%
accept 1.30%
reverse 1.19%
reduce 1.03%
expand 0.91%
highlight 0.24%
highlight + n. >>共 809
problem 4.69%
need 4.34%
difference 3.55%
issue 2.93%
concern 2.27%
importance 2.03%
danger 1.95%
plight 1.80%
fact 1.56%
difficulty 1.45%
role 1.02%
每页显示:    共 26