1.   The overall proportion of the secondary bile acids was highest among the cancer patients when compared with both polyp patients and controls.

2.   Maternal depression, poverty and other social difficulties are highest among this section of the population, and these hazards are associated with a high rate of child disturbance.

3.   Among public college presidents, Bulger is between the average and the highest paid, but his new salary is by no means the highest among his peers.

4.   Analysts said turnout is likely to be highest among older Americans and middle-class Republicans.

5.   Bankruptcies were highest among construction and real estate companies, which are dependent on public works projects.

6.   -- The death rate from diabetes was highest among American black women.

7.   During the last six months, bankruptcies were highest among construction and real estate companies dependent on public works projects.

8.   Even the lower figure is the highest among the industrialized countries.

9.   Further, federal statistics show that rates of obesity are highest among the poor.

10.   Generally, math gains were highest among fourth graders, and dropped off for middle- and high-school students.

a. + among >>共 715
popular 20.92%
common 7.84%
high 2.84%
strong 2.08%
rare 2.08%
alone 2.03%
unpopular 1.98%
unique 1.87%
prominent 1.85%
foremost 1.73%
highest 1.34%
highest + p. >>共 25
in 55.29%
of 13.74%
for 7.88%
among 6.53%
on 5.07%
since 5.07%
at 1.24%
during 1.01%
to 0.90%
from 0.68%
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