1.   Also its high resolution colour display means that the reader can use computer graphics to enhance articles or illustrations within the publication.

2.   As I have already indicated in the main text of this article, there are real users of high resolution page printers.

3.   It offers high resolution data acquisition for well analysis, using both memory and real time data collection.

4.   Many companies used to eliminate important features such as high resolution graphics or soundboard support.

5.   The VGA graphics used are colourful and in high resolution as you would expect.

6.   Now this machine gives us such high resolution that we can see very small specks of calcium.

7.   There are of course also limitations in current screen and power source technology which would make it difficult to display high resolution colour images of any complexity.

8.   Full of excellent computer graphic techniques, and high resolution images of nebulae etc...

a. + resolution >>共 566
peaceful 7.63%
quick 4.49%
new 4.10%
non-binding 3.49%
similar 3.14%
council 2.98%
continuing 2.92%
final 2.44%
high 2.37%
nonbinding 2.08%
high + n. >>共 715
pressure 6.29%
level 5.41%
price 3.99%
cost 3.17%
wind 2.39%
speed 1.94%
rate 1.89%
standard 1.55%
heat 1.55%
unemployment 1.47%
resolution 0.17%
每页显示:    共 74