1.   Many people have the mistaken idea that AIDS cannot spread through heterosexual sex.

2.   Cases of AIDS contracted through heterosexual sex have risen by ninety five per cent in the past year.

3.   Over the last twelve months, the number of cases transmitted through heterosexual sex has almost doubled.

4.   Although most middle-aged and older people with AIDS are gay men, the numbers getting it through heterosexual sex are rising steadily.

5.   And she told her lawyer she was a lesbian in a platonic marriage who had no interest in heterosexual sex.

6.   But if heterosexual sex was allowed, the sentence for homosexuality, which was sometimes, but not always, overlooked, was death.

7.   But more women, primarily in minority groups, are becoming infected through heterosexual sex in the United States, Piot said.

8.   Goldsworthy admitted his health problems were caused by drinking and promiscuity, suggesting he contracted AIDS through unprotected heterosexual sex.

9.   Helene Gayle, a physician and CDC official, said women are particularly at risk because heterosexual sex is the fastest growing mode of transmission for HIV and AIDS.

10.   In Africa, Asia and Latin America, health officials say, nearly all HIV transmissions occur through heterosexual sex.

a. + sex >>共 683
opposite 5.58%
unprotected 5.21%
consensual 3.51%
convicted 3.25%
premarital 3.15%
same 3.08%
illegal 2.95%
former 2.82%
unsafe 1.74%
gay 1.67%
heterosexual 0.98%
heterosexual + n. >>共 104
couple 18.91%
contact 8.91%
sex 6.52%
marriage 5.22%
woman 4.57%
man 4.35%
relationship 4.35%
transmission 2.61%
partner 2.17%
intercourse 1.96%
每页显示:    共 30