1.   Atop Mt. Suribachi, other Marines clean a monument to the flag-raising that is the single most heroic image of American valor in World War II.

2.   All states have narrative myths, the heroic images that are chiseled into granite in the capitol building and passed on through the generations.

3.   Here are heroic images of Nordic-looking athletes emphasizing the Nazi view of sports and achievement.

4.   His actions in the episode created a heroic image that aided his emergence on the national political scene.

5.   Montana, like DiMaggio, has a heroic image.

6.   For years, the Nike name conjured up heroic images of Jordan, Agassi and Tiger.

a. + image >>共 2049
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positive 1.21%
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heroic 0.07%
heroic + n. >>共 384
effort 7.99%
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deed 2.30%
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