1.   Peasants tilled the soil and herded sheep.

2.   Stefano used a motor cycle to herd the sheep.

3.   Here was a band, it went, who played their guitars like surrogate bagpipes and probably herded sheep on their days off.

4.   As a youngster herding sheep near the Grand Canyon rim, I recall goats would wander near the sheer walled areas.

5.   A block away, Kathie Richard prepared to herd nine sheep down the parade route.

6.   Evidence of the dinosaur does not surprise older traditional Navajo people, some of whom still herd sheep in the area.

7.   For the next six years, the boy herded sheep on Slemish Mountain in County Antrim in the northeast corner of Ireland.

8.   He herded sheep, roamed the cliffs and prayed to the Holy People.

9.   If you want a dog that will herd sheep, or scare off muggers, you must select a dog that has certain attributes or potential.

10.   It reminded me of the nomads herding their sheep.

v. + sheep >>共 143
clone 8.04%
slaughter 5.80%
kill 4.69%
herd 4.46%
raise 4.46%
count 3.79%
shear 3.35%
take 2.90%
sacrifice 2.90%
import 2.23%
herd + n. >>共 119
cattle 8.67%
sheep 6.67%
man 4.00%
people 3.67%
goat 2.67%
group 2.67%
cat 2.33%
hundred 2.33%
animal 2.00%
student 2.00%
每页显示:    共 20