1.   Cowboys cracked their whips as they herded cattle.

2.   At the end of the drive, the cattle were herded into a pen.

3.   But herding the cattle in this Salem County town seemed a cinch compared with wooing recalcitrant undecided voters in southern New Jersey.

4.   But they did have tough roles to fulfill in holding down the homestead while men conquered trails and herded cattle.

5.   Cur hounds used to track and hold wild pigs are often working ranch dogs used to herd cattle.

6.   His title was cowboy and he rode open range herding cattle, soon learning that modern cowboys do a lot more.

7.   Instead he herded cattle in the verdant valleys, among the spectacular jumbled granite outcroppings jutting up from the land.

8.   Jewish immigrants learned to ride, herd cattle, shoot and shelter themselves against the elements.

9.   On that site at Hassuna in Mesopotamia people had settled and begun to cultivate land, herd cattle, build mud-brick houses and make pottery.

10.   Others say cracker originally was applied to Florida cowboys, and derived from their cracking their whips as they herded cattle.

v. + cattle >>共 232
raise 9.19%
kill 5.42%
slaughter 3.65%
sell 3.18%
herd 3.06%
feed 2.71%
fatten 2.47%
graze 2.47%
keep 2.36%
infect 2.24%
herd + n. >>共 119
cattle 8.67%
sheep 6.67%
man 4.00%
people 3.67%
goat 2.67%
group 2.67%
cat 2.33%
hundred 2.33%
animal 2.00%
student 2.00%
每页显示:    共 26