1.   Instead of bringing year-round warmth, it may herald an era of freezing winters.

2.   Non-NATO nations are sure to oppose the new intervention policy, arguing that it could herald an era in which big powers again impose their wills on little ones.

3.   This is a different time, of course, the assassination of President Kennedy having heralded an era of violence and senseless death that dulled the senses.

4.   This year, slashings and stabbings by inmates have declined sharply as jail officials herald an era of relative peace and control.

5.   A day after signing the most sweeping arms-reduction pact in history, the two leaders heralded an era of good political and economic will.

6.   If implemented, as it should be, the measures could herald an era of openness.

7.   U.S.-Japanese business partnerships may herald era of trade peace.

8.   The accord had been widely anticipated in financial circles as heralding an era of less government borrowing and lower interest rates.

v. + era >>共 124
enter 12.22%
end 9.97%
define 6.11%
evoke 4.18%
dominate 2.57%
herald 2.57%
recall 2.57%
represent 2.57%
compare 2.25%
bring 1.93%
herald + n. >>共 215
arrival 7.82%
end 5.07%
start 4.65%
return 4.23%
change 2.54%
beginning 2.33%
era 1.69%
approach 1.48%
birth 1.27%
move 1.27%
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