1.   Some employment interviewers work in temporary help services companies.

2.   IBM will assist with marketing and selling the TeleSuites and also will assume responsibility for network scheduling appointments, video help desk services and overall network management.

3.   In northern Florida, shares of Jacksonville-area companies rose, paced by Accustaff Inc., a provider of temporary help services.

4.   One of the biggest revisions came in a category called business services, which includes computer consultants, advertising agencies and temporary help services.

5.   The United Way also runs a volunteer clearinghouse, a telephone help service and a program that helps nonprofits improve management.

6.   There were booths for hospitals, department stores, a limousine company, banks, temporary help services and the Central Artery-Tunnel.

n. + service >>共 647
memorial 5.57%
security 4.88%
telephone 3.91%
phone 3.60%
customer 3.45%
intelligence 3.13%
health 2.63%
press 2.44%
community 2.41%
news 2.38%
help 0.02%
help + n. >>共 281
line 8.87%
desk 6.77%
file 3.55%
keep 3.23%
people 2.26%
pay 2.10%
system 2.10%
company 1.61%
make 1.45%
agency 1.29%
service 0.97%
每页显示:    共 6