1.   Basic instructions for using IRC are in the help section of the program.

2.   Next, bookmark the Web sites of the manufacturers of the hardware and software you use, and learn your way around the help sections.

3.   The original Logical Journey has been updated with better help sections and Immersion TouchSense technology.

4.   There is a help section that explains each area of the museum, but this did not get me where I wanted to go.

5.   You go to the AOL help section and get online with an AOL helper, who walks you through your problem, using e-mail back and forth.

6.   All the search engines above include help sections that can assist in achieving the best results for a search.

n. + section >>共 881
interest 6.39%
sport 4.06%
tail 3.21%
rhythm 2.72%
east 2.56%
business 2.37%
west 2.10%
produce 1.84%
north 1.49%
student 1.49%
help 0.23%
help + n. >>共 281
line 8.87%
desk 6.77%
file 3.55%
keep 3.23%
people 2.26%
pay 2.10%
system 2.10%
company 1.61%
make 1.45%
agency 1.29%
section 0.97%
每页显示:    共 6