1.   There will be a service of worship for all those who have helped during Christian Aid, when the money raised will be dedicated.

2.   And hundreds of residents have been trained as part of the Community Emergency Response Teams to help during natural disasters.

3.   Barber will remain with NFCS to help Mulherin during the transition, the company said.

4.   Considering the chilling, good-natured, near-placid instructor who was helping McMillan during practice yesterday, that was the best news from opening day of camp.

5.   Fearing a low happiness rating or worse, children enlist their parents to help during the day, or take the toy to school and hover over it.

6.   Generous layering of blankets will help during a hard freeze, but the plant may suffer damage.

7.   He started designing boats and during World War II he helped build destroyers and icebreakers for the Navy.

8.   I want to be in a position here to help them during the transition process.

9.   If you know the answer to that question, it might help you during those times when your career seems ready for a crash.

10.   In the ensuing months, Dawson said that watching replays of the kick helped him during his rehabilitation from off-season knee surgery.

v. + during >>共 1155
come 2.75%
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say 1.96%
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injure 1.32%
use 1.12%
help 0.12%
help + p. >>共 78
in 46.85%
by 9.13%
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off 4.88%
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through 3.23%
at 2.68%
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for 2.35%
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