1.   To some people, it is a most heinous violation of the separation of church and state.

2.   But legislation creating the panel prohibits amnesty for those guilty of heinous violations of human rights, such as murder and torture.

3.   De Kock has applied, but legislation creating the panel prohibits amnesty for those guilty of heinous violations of human rights, such as murder and torture.

4.   De Kock has applied for amnesty, but legislation creating the panel prohibits amnesty for those guilty of heinous violations of human rights, such as murder and torture.

a. + violation >>共 402
possible 8.05%
alleged 6.67%
serious 4.61%
antitrust 3.91%
civil_rights 3.67%
copyright 3.30%
clear 2.49%
constitutional 1.99%
repeated 1.89%
criminal 1.85%
heinous 0.13%
heinous + n. >>共 47
crime 48.53%
act 13.24%
nature 4.41%
murder 3.92%
deed 2.94%
criminal 1.96%
offense 1.96%
violation 1.96%
activity 0.98%
case 0.98%
每页显示:    共 4