1.   A few heavier squalls will affect regions immediately downwind of Lakes Superior and Ontario.

2.   Snow and a few heavier squalls will accompany the arrival of the bitter air, especially along the western slopes of the northern Appalachians.

3.   Snow showers and a few heavier squalls will occur from the eastern shores of the Great Lakes to the northern Appalachians.

4.   Snow showers and a few heavier squalls will whiten areas near the eastern shores of the Great Lakes Saturday.

5.   Snow showers and heavier squalls will develop near the shores of the lakes as the arctic air arrives.

6.   Snow showers with a few heavier squalls will occur near a low in the upper Mississippi Valley and Great Lakes.

7.   Snow showers and a few heavier squalls will occur near the eastern Great Lakes.

a. + squall >>共 33
heavier 13.73%
sudden 9.80%
heavy 5.88%
tropical 5.88%
blinding 3.92%
frequent 3.92%
southerly 3.92%
thunderous 3.92%
disorganized 1.96%
fierce 1.96%
heavier + n. >>共 344
rain 5.50%
shower 3.90%
weight 3.78%
snow 3.67%
penalty 2.87%
burden 2.75%
load 2.41%
element 2.18%
sentence 1.95%
weapon 1.83%
squall 0.80%
每页显示:    共 7