1.   Heat the mixture in a flameproof dish.

2.   The mixture is heated and then agitated.

3.   The mixture is then heated in the agitated vessel.

4.   Begin heating mixture, stirring it with a whisk.

5.   Add the rinds together with the Triple Sec, heat the mixture, and flame it.

6.   Add the chocolate and salt and heat the mixture over low heat, whisking, until the chocolate is melted and the sauce is smooth.

7.   After heating the mixture twice, strain the remaining pulp.

8.   Continue to heat mixture until it is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.

9.   Eclipse heats a mixture of tobacco and glycerine by means of a glowing tip of smoldering charcoal, rather than burning the tobacco itself.

v. + mixture >>共 319
pour 11.76%
add 6.93%
spread 4.54%
stir 3.75%
bring 3.65%
transfer 3.37%
place 2.30%
use 1.97%
return 1.92%
spoon 1.83%
heat 1.12%
heat + n. >>共 385
oil 31.84%
home 3.25%
water 2.80%
butter 2.69%
price 2.58%
air 1.96%
house 1.51%
cream 1.46%
future 1.40%
mixture 1.35%
每页显示:    共 24