1.   Dr. Johnson advised heating the milk for the sauce before adding the cheese.

2.   Gourmets say the pasteurization process, in which the milk is heated to high temperatures, destroys flavor.

3.   Heat milk at medium setting until warm, then add sugar.

4.   Heat milk over medium heat until warm, then add sugar.

5.   Heat milk to scalding in a saucepan over medium heat.

6.   Heat milk to scalding using a pressurized steamer or in a small saucepan over medium heat.

7.   Heat the milk in a saucepan, then keep it warm on a burner turned very low.

8.   Heat milk and add gradually to the roux mixture, stirring constantly.

9.   In a large stock pot, heat the milk until hot, but do not boil.

10.   Meanwhile, heat the milk in another pan.

v. + milk >>共 233
add 13.17%
drink 9.99%
produce 6.16%
pour 4.95%
buy 3.64%
sell 2.99%
use 2.61%
have 2.24%
give 2.15%
get 1.87%
heat 0.93%
heat + n. >>共 385
oil 31.84%
home 3.25%
water 2.80%
butter 2.69%
price 2.58%
air 1.96%
house 1.51%
cream 1.46%
future 1.40%
mixture 1.35%
milk 0.56%
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