1.   While the ban on the Cumbernauld club affects all senior players, a separate hearing will determine the action to be taken against the two players ordered off.

2.   And he appears not to have much in the way of assets, though a hearing will determine exactly how much he does have.

3.   And he has been suspended from the practice of law until an Appellate Division hearing determines a penalty.

4.   At the same time, lawyers for both sides are preparing for a hearing to determine where that trial will take place.

5.   Before allowing a child to testify, judges must hold a special hearing to determine whether the child is credible.

6.   A committee specializing in eligibility needed four hearings to determine what Lassiter was held responsible for understanding.

7.   A competency hearing can determine if a person with mental retardation needs a legal guardian.

8.   A later hearing will determine punitive damages.

9.   First, though, a hearing will determine if Yates is competent to stand trial.

n. + determine >>共 918
investigator 5.75%
official 5.32%
doctor 3.98%
authority 2.99%
police 2.52%
test 2.50%
court 2.05%
investigation 2.00%
judge 1.98%
expert 1.46%
hearing 1.11%
hearing + v. >>共 309
be 33.20%
begin 8.17%
continue 4.71%
take 4.14%
resume 3.42%
determine 1.89%
come 1.85%
end 1.77%
start 1.73%
go 1.29%
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