1.   An administrative hearing board found the case unproved.

2.   But an administrative hearing board found the case unproved.

3.   Hernandez won her case on appeal before a state hearing board.

4.   She won her case on appeal before a state hearing board.

5.   State Representative Robert J. Nyman, a Hanover Democrat, saw William Stewart testify before a state Medicaid hearing board.

6.   The suspension was renewed and extended in April, she said, and since then a hearing board has recommended formal action in the case.

7.   Actually, there could be two more steps available to Barnes if the three-member hearing board finds against him.

8.   He was released to the custody of his parents and is due to appear before the East Greenwich juvenile hearing board this week.

9.   However, her case is still to be heard by a USATF hearing board and appeals board.

10.   Tyson has not fought in Las Vegas since and might face a tough hearing board in light of his history.

a. + board >>共 875
executive 9.28%
canvassing 5.36%
advisory 4.93%
new 4.39%
supervisory 3.81%
state 3.41%
cutting 3.33%
corporate 2.78%
editorial 2.49%
local 1.83%
hearing 0.15%
hearing + n. >>共 253
loss 16.57%
room 12.69%
date 8.43%
officer 6.69%
problem 3.50%
process 3.12%
test 2.13%
impairment 1.90%
evidence 1.90%
voice 1.67%
board 0.76%
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