1.   For our daily bread accept our praise and hear our prayer.

2.   Lord in your mercy - hear our prayer.

3.   Lord God, giver of all that is good, hear our prayer.

4.   Faithful Christians, the Billingsleys believe God has guided their family through difficult times and heard their prayers.

5.   God heard my prayer.

6.   Sister Christopher believes God heard her prayers.

7.   The gods of all our cultures must have heard our prayers.

8.   Their prayer was heard.

9.   They knew their prayers were being heard.

10.   While no one survived the crash so exactly what was happening in the passenger compartment is not known, investigators say no such prayer can be heard.

v. + prayer >>共 253
say 18.72%
offer 10.28%
lead 6.15%
answer 5.98%
hold 4.46%
recite 4.30%
attend 3.65%
chant 2.99%
have 2.83%
allow 2.45%
hear 0.76%
hear + n. >>共 761
case 7.79%
argument 4.47%
explosion 4.18%
voice 3.68%
news 3.25%
testimony 2.63%
appeal 2.43%
shot 2.39%
story 2.23%
sound 2.22%
prayer 0.08%
每页显示:    共 14