1.   Ethyol enters healthy kidney cells and protects them from the toxic effects of cancer-fighting drugs, Saks said.

2.   He goes to every game, talks nonstop about the latest ESPN headlines and carefully counts the pills that he must take to maintain a healthy kidney.

3.   Like humans, animals can live with only one healthy kidney.

4.   Realizing his mistake, Helfrich removed the tumor and left the woman with three-fourths of a healthy kidney.

5.   The surgical team removed her healthy right kidney and one-fourth of her left kidney, which contained a tumor.

6.   While he waited, Annette went into surgery to have a healthy kidney removed.

7.   With the urea, a healthy kidney removes valuable sugars, salts and water, substances that it then returns to the bloodstream.

8.   A healthy human kidney.

9.   A huge majority of donations from the living are kidneys, since most people have two healthy kidneys but must have only one.

10.   That is a relatively safe procedure for people with two healthy kidneys, because only one is necessary.

a. + kidney >>共 170
new 6.63%
chronic 5.38%
left 5.20%
bruised 5.20%
artificial 3.94%
serious 3.41%
severe 2.51%
right 2.51%
transplanted 2.51%
human 2.15%
healthy 1.97%
healthy + n. >>共 1093
people 4.72%
economy 3.31%
scratch 3.28%
dose 2.04%
growth 2.04%
diet 2.01%
baby 1.62%
cell 1.53%
profit 1.41%
food 1.39%
kidney 0.19%
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