1.   Supermarkets can help promote healthy eating habits by reducing the amount of sugar and fat in their products.

2.   Seven patients had negative food rechallenges and were instructed on healthy eating habits.

3.   But for most players, healthy dietary habits can only be helpful in building their careers, which also require considerable mental work.

4.   Cheney has repeatedly boasted about his new healthy habits since the last incident.

5.   Delighted by their healthy eating habits, he decided to find out what led them to add fruit to their diet.

6.   Healthy habits prescribed include proper diet and physical and mental exercise.

7.   HHH members are encouraged to keep healthy habits, at least at the monthly get-togethers.

8.   Healthy habits includes knowing the origins of what youre eating.

9.   Next he added exercise to his healthy habits by joining the Waco Family Y, getting advice from the trainers on staff and trying a little of everything.

10.   Of course, healthy habits play a major role in successful aging.

a. + habit >>共 662
bad 9.92%
old 9.28%
eating 8.49%
spending 2.80%
smoking 2.23%
buying 2.16%
good 2.01%
drinking 1.91%
viewing 1.83%
driving 1.58%
healthy 1.01%
healthy + n. >>共 1093
people 4.72%
economy 3.31%
scratch 3.28%
dose 2.04%
growth 2.04%
diet 2.01%
baby 1.62%
cell 1.53%
profit 1.41%
food 1.39%
habit 0.49%
每页显示:    共 28