1.   Healthier breast-fed babies mean lower health- care costs and fewer days lost from work for their mothers.

2.   Some medical experts also believe breast-feeding could mean a healthier baby, both physically and psychologically.

3.   Studies have shown that breast-fed infants grow into healthier babies and more well-adjusted adults.

4.   Superior educations and higher family incomes do not necessarily result in healthier pregnancies and healthier babies.

5.   The combination proved just as effective in preventing miscarriage, with healthier babies and fewer problems for the mother during pregnancy.

6.   We would be the ones to take the lead in helping to grow healthier babies by providing care and support to their mothers during and after pregnancy.

a. + baby >>共 724
new 7.83%
newborn 5.60%
premature 4.41%
born 4.02%
healthy 3.24%
first 3.21%
unborn 2.19%
little 1.90%
dead 1.69%
tiny 1.34%
healthier 0.21%
healthier + n. >>共 180
life 5.99%
lifestyle 5.76%
food 4.84%
economy 4.61%
environment 2.76%
one 2.53%
alternative 2.30%
people 2.30%
diet 2.30%
choice 2.07%
baby 1.38%
每页显示:    共 6