1.   Affirmations put a positive spin on the healing experience.

2.   Finally, Mackovic said, the day was something of a healing experience for the Longhorns.

3.   On occasion, it can be a healing experience to recall and face traumatic experiences.

4.   Perhaps part of it was a healing experience for some of the Dead Heads to come and be part of it and to be around the music.

a. + experience >>共 825
personal 3.28%
learning 2.36%
new 2.12%
previous 1.91%
similar 1.78%
past 1.70%
first 1.42%
extensive 1.40%
recent 1.29%
political 1.29%
healing 0.04%
healing + n. >>共 177
process 28.95%
power 15.20%
property 5.12%
effect 2.19%
wound 2.05%
art 1.90%
method 1.90%
center 1.46%
time 1.17%
service 1.17%
experience 0.58%
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