1.   Calling for reconciliation, Ingraham promised no victimizations and pledged to heal the nation and encourage blacks and whites to participate in the life of the country.

2.   And healing the nation cannot be a simple matter.

3.   And you would be the leader who healed a nation that had lost its moral way.

4.   But are such moments enough to heal the nation?

5.   But decide we must, and in a larger sense the main issue is how to heal, rather than further divide, the nation.

6.   Even with the upbeat American military assessment, there is no guarantee that the accord will heal a nation ravaged by nearly four years of killing.

7.   He must also find a way to heal a nation deeply divided over its future.

8.   He must now heal his nation and reawaken the dormant peace effort.

9.   Healing the nation is a different, far more complicated process.

10.   Human rights are a way to preserve peace and ensure justice, and also a way to help heal nations and improve the interaction among members of just societies.

v. + nation >>共 784
lead 8.59%
address 5.18%
divide 1.92%
develop 1.90%
shock 1.88%
industrialize 1.45%
bring 1.36%
represent 1.15%
sweep 1.15%
help 1.15%
heal 0.50%
heal + n. >>共 194
wound 27.13%
rift 10.13%
division 5.13%
injury 4.50%
sick 3.75%
nation 2.75%
breach 1.88%
body 1.63%
people 1.38%
scar 1.38%
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