1.   He had fallen asleep, his head resting in a puddle of beer.

2.   Her head rested gently on his shoulder.

3.   Her knees were drawn up to her chin and her head rested on them, her hair covering her face.

4.   My head was resting against his chest and I felt his heart beating against my eye and cheek.

5.   His head was resting on her shoulder.

6.   He was leaning against his machine, arms resting on the upper wing, head resting on his arms, eyes dosed.

7.   Anything that can sleep floating on the ocean surface so curled up that its head rests comfortably on its own belly is a cat.

8.   A select group of passengers also will be on board to test the reclining seats and the accompanying foot and head rests.

9.   He allowed Cardinal Franciszek Macharski of Cracow to read his homily, while he listened, eyes shut and his head resting on his hand.

10.   He was kneeling, hands doubled under him, his head was resting on the ground, a bullet hole in his lifeless body.

n. + rest >>共 718
decision 8.21%
defense 3.39%
prosecution 2.91%
power 2.26%
responsibility 1.90%
case 1.67%
matter 1.61%
head 1.43%
hope 1.37%
authority 1.25%
head + v. >>共 527
be 18.34%
coach 5.95%
roll 3.14%
turn 3.04%
say 2.31%
have 2.17%
spin 1.94%
hit 1.90%
prevail 1.87%
back 1.84%
rest 0.80%
每页显示:    共 24