1.   Although head lice carry no diseases and pose no health risks, they are maddening nonetheless.

2.   Archaeologists have found evidence of head lice in the hair of Egyptian mummies.

3.   As much as I complain about head lice and as fervently as I pray never to see another nit, my family also learned important lessons battling them.

4.   A mandatory head check with the camp nurse that turned up a rather persistent case of head lice.

5.   A week after that, McCoy took her home after an MRDD nurse again found she had head lice.

6.   But he pointed out that the Food and Drug Administration continued to approve the sale of Nix for killing head lice.

7.   But head lice can become a medical problem if the wrong substances are used to treat the condition or if the appropriate substances are overused.

8.   But terrible TV, like head lice in a day care center, will always be with us.

9.   Children are the main carriers of head lice, passing the critters along when sharing combs, coat racks and hats.

10.   Contrary to a widely held belief, head lice are not linked to poor hygiene.

n. + louse >>共 11
head 54.29%
sea 25.71%
year 4.29%
baby 2.86%
phylloxera 2.86%
root 2.86%
bark 1.43%
day 1.43%
die 1.43%
mother 1.43%
head + n. >>共 558
coach 46.86%
injury 15.84%
office 4.09%
scarf 3.41%
job 2.07%
wound 1.91%
count 1.81%
butt 1.05%
trauma 0.95%
teacher 0.67%
louse 0.49%
每页显示:    共 38