1.   Asked if he heard that foreign athletes might not be participating in the Games due to the haze situation, Dr Mahathir said he had not heard about them.

2.   Having just recovered from the haze situation, which resulted in several hoteliers suffered huge setbacks, they fear that tourists may opt for other destinations.

3.   He said it was ironic that when the haze situation improved, it did not command any foreign media attention.

4.   However, their impact on the haze situation is mild.

5.   KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. - Malaysia wants to make full use of space technology to detect forest fires and monitor the haze situation in the region.

6.   Law said a change in wind direction and efforts by fire-fighters had improved the haze situation in Miri.

7.   Many of those interviewed said they would have preferred to be better informed on the haze situation as it would have made them less apprehensive.

8.   LOCAL media should counter the false reports emanating from foreign media especially on the haze situation in the country.

9.   Other issues raised were the promotion of ecotourism and the recent haze situation.

10.   The Department of Environment said that the haze situation deteriorated Wednesday evening after showing improvement in the morning.

n. + situation >>共 700
security 14.35%
hostage 3.83%
win-win 2.79%
quarterback 2.53%
pressure 2.28%
crisis 1.77%
labor 1.74%
market 1.74%
refugee 1.68%
employment 1.65%
haze 0.41%
haze + n. >>共 31
problem 38.46%
situation 14.29%
crisis 5.49%
menace 4.40%
issue 3.30%
particle 3.30%
alert 2.20%
episode 2.20%
layer 2.20%
agreement 1.10%
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