1.   The haze usually clears by lunchtime.

2.   Singapore could be flown above the haze and need only land in its geographical location again when the haze clears!

3.   The television networks, including CNN, continued to perpetuate the warning with their broadcasts long after the haze had cleared.

4.   Thenext six months will see a bumpy ride for the stock market but once thefinancial haze clears, the market will fall back on fundamentals.

5.   When the haze over the issue clears, the people will not be disappointed.

n. + clear >>共 722
police 4.54%
sky 3.58%
smoke 3.43%
weather 2.58%
court 2.40%
doctor 2.18%
worker 1.92%
bulldozer 1.51%
ball 1.51%
decision 1.37%
haze 0.18%
haze + v. >>共 94
be 17.82%
hang 5.82%
return 4.00%
cover 3.64%
cause 3.27%
spread 3.27%
blanket 2.55%
envelop 2.55%
continue 2.18%
descend 2.18%
clear 1.82%
每页显示:    共 5