1.   Malouf is fascinated by the sometimes violent impact that complete strangers can have upon our lives.

2.   The runway had upon it a light skein of mist, and he sailed through it and up into the high air.

3.   The twentieth century provides a vehicle for more meaningful exploration of the influence such cosmic events would have had upon the world.

4.   We are therefore concerned with the impact which trade unions and trade union membership has upon the productivity of the workforce.

5.   What affect will that have upon you or your family if you made inadequate erm pension provision?

6.   He plucked out his dagger and hurled himself with all the weight and skill he had upon his enemy.

7.   Also, how much time do I have upon receiving this money before it is considered income and is taxable?

8.   And upon reappearing it had the opposite polarity.

9.   But revenge has been visited upon Muslim collaborators as it has upon Christians.

10.   Impressive though his length of service may seem, it little indicates the impact his presence on the court had upon this nation.

v. + upon >>共 586
look 14.24%
decide 4.79%
touch 4.39%
impress 3.41%
look_down 2.53%
say 1.91%
gaze 1.82%
vote 1.55%
spit 1.24%
arrest 1.15%
have 0.93%
have + p. >>共 100
in 36.78%
for 10.46%
to 7.21%
until 5.80%
since 5.55%
on 5.30%
as 4.14%
about 2.77%
of 2.58%
before 2.24%
upon 0.11%
每页显示:    共 21