1.   If they had the courage to say that, they would have saved everyone a lot of trouble.

2.   If you had anything to say, you said it to their face.

3.   I read on and what amazed me was not what he said,but how on earth anybody had the courage to say it.

4.   Grunte, who had little time for the Third World, said that as far as he was concerned, most of it seemed to have moved to Birmingham.

5.   He would go hysterics again, saying he had children in his house and what if the police came?

6.   Never said we had to call her Samantha.

7.   Well actually, if you have more to say on this topic fine, I was actually going to change it slightly to discuss his apparent classlessness.

8.   And at one point, the prosecutors seized a souvenir gun that Yeltsin had once given Gusinsky, saying he had no permit to own it.

9.   And if you have sex, the program says over and over again, use condoms.

10.   Asked to respond, Johnson said she had supported legislation against tax havens for years when Maloney had nothing to say about the issue.

v. + say >>共 880
be 14.52%
call 4.02%
have 3.05%
suffice 2.02%
do 1.78%
police 1.74%
make 1.67%
come 1.50%
need 1.45%
happen 1.26%
have + v. >>共 557
say 7.39%
have 7.16%
do 4.33%
come 4.33%
unite 2.37%
be 2.19%
make 2.02%
go 1.50%
get 1.50%
run 1.21%
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