1.   Apart from products based on these natural resources, including electric power, Kosovo has little industry except some textiles and leather products.

2.   Roiaanshorn has some industry, but it is unobtrusive.

3.   So tell me then, why do only some less developed countries have primary industries.

4.   But the foes of genetically engineered foods have the industry on the defensive.

5.   But what has recording industry officials concerned is how popular and widely distributed the album was before it was ever released.

6.   Details aside, both moves were seen as one more step towards the consolidation of the US airline industry, a trend that has some industry specialists worried.

7.   Either we live by it and survive or we continue to have this industry of destruction going on.

8.   In a statement that has the industry shaking its collective head, Laybourne has said Oxygen will not be hit-driven.

9.   In between the beautiful vistas Italy has dynamic industry.

10.   In the face of this logic, though, European governments have frustrated industry with their own sluggish pace of approving such reforms.

v. + industry >>共 769
protect 2.88%
regulate 2.53%
deregulate 2.40%
dominate 2.14%
bank 1.90%
hurt 1.77%
help 1.72%
hit 1.66%
sue 1.56%
affect 1.50%
have 0.90%
have + n. >>共 1145
chance 2.31%
problem 2.14%
trouble 1.82%
right 1.67%
plan 1.46%
idea 1.28%
lot 1.20%
time 1.09%
child 1.04%
power 1.04%
industry 0%
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